Human Mind

Lighting in Photography

Sparkles and Wine


Screen Test


Lighting Research

Butterfly Lighting

Image result for Butterfly Lighting

Butterfly lighting is created by having a light above the subject pointed towards their face. It is called butterfly lighting because of the butterfly like shape created underneath the subjects nose, this type of lighting is also known as paramount lighting. Butterfly lighting is often used for women’s fashion and is best used on someone with high cheekbones and narrow face because on someone with a rounder face it can add ‘weight’. This lighting should also not be used on someone with facial scars, skin conditions etc.. because of the lack of shadow faults in the skin can be easily be seen.


Rembrandt Lighting

Image result for rembrandt lighting

Rembrandt lighting is created by having a light in front of the subject and to the left or right pointed towards the subject at a 45º angle, while having a reflector at the opposite of the light to the subject to softer the shadow. You can tell if a photograph has used rembrandt lighting if the subject has a triangle off light beside their nose, as you can see in the photo above. Many people use rembrandt because it makes the picture standout and look natural.


Side Lighting

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Side Lighting is created by having a light directly to the left or right of the subject, creating a shadow on the opposite to where the light is placed. It is called side lighting because the light is produced or coming from the side of the subject. Side lighting is often used to make the subject of the photograph standout in the frame and makes the subject feel three dimensional.


Experimental Photographs


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30 Second Monologue



I had much difficulty with this project as I found it really hard to find a subject for my practice photographs as well as for my 30 second monologue my research into different types of lighting in the studio was quite successful as I found a few different types of lighting as well as experimenting with the ‘gels’ to colour the light. Next time I should try to find a subject as soon as possible as well as try to find more styles of lighting that I could use for future projects.